Monday, June 04, 2007

Frequently Asked Questions

No, I'm not going to answer some frequently asked questions. Instead I'm going to make a plea, once again, to the project teams to create an FAQ.

I did get some notes from people complaining that the software (SharePoint) was not a "real" wiki package and they weren't going to do anything that didn't involve HTML markup. A couple of other people complained that the process seemed too difficult and that there was no easy way to enter the data. The odd person mentioned that their application is unique as all of the questions asked were unique and that nothing was frequently asked.

Please, sit down and think about all of the questions you are asked for your project. Have any of them been asked more than once? if so, it is a candidate for inclusion on an FAQ for your project. Summer is coming up and you don't want to be one trying to answer questions that the person across the hall normally answers, and neither do they want to answer questions that you normally answer. Save a life, give some information.

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