Friday, August 31, 2007

SQL Injection

Security of the data is important to every application.  Ensuring that only properly authenticated users receive access and that only properly authorized users view the data is critical to the success of an application.  Unfortunately, there are many ways to get access to an application and some of them are amazingly simple.  For this note, we're going to talk about "SQL Injection" attacks.

Much like the name implies, a SQL Injection attack is the insertion of SQL code into an existing call in order to compromise security.  Essentially what happens is that the application fails to parse the data coming into the application and allows for people to insert SQL code into an existing SQL call to the database.  For details of how this is done, Steve Friedl of has an interesting example.

Is this information hard to come by?  No, it's not.  The link above was actually the top one on the list that Google provided to me.  Detailed, step by step instruction on how to break into a poorly secured web site and the information is so easy to follow that even my daughters can try this out at home.  Many organizations have put standards in place to address this issue.  However, standards are only effective if they are followed and they aren't necessarily going to be followed if the person doing the work doesn't understand the reason why.

Essentially, this comes down to education.  Educate yourself on how to break into your system so that you can prevent others from doing so.  This doesn't mean that you need to be a security specialist, but what it does mean is that you should be conscious of the techniques that people use so that you can stop them from being used against you.  Information is the key.  Let's hope that this key is locking things up instead of opening the lock.

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