Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Optimization -- Part 3

There's help you can get when you hit the wall for performance?

You bet your sweet bippy there is.  The most obvious places to look for help are with the people around you.  I find that one of the most effective resources I have is my wife.  Now, my wife is not particularly computer literate.  Seriously.  She is, however, an excellent sounding board.  When I explain something to her I have to get rid of the technical jargon and explain it to her in simple terms.  Usually, while in the process of trying to simplify the explanation, my mind goes off on a 90 degree tangent and i solve the problem that I am working on.  This doesn't mean that this will work for everyone, but it works for me.

Or, try reaching out to other designers and asking for their opinion.  Give them a high level overview of the problem, what you've been looking at and let them think for a few minutes.  Don't expect an instant answer, because if something has been troubling you for a while, don't expect someone else to solve the puzzle instantly.  (Although, my wife does really well on those little puzzles where you have to take rings off a rope and untangle hopelessly tangled messes of metal.)

You can even talk to the Deployment Team.  Yes, I know, normally you avoid that, but you'd be surprised at how much help we can be.  By deploying and supporting over 80 applications the odds are that we've seen your problem before and that there are at least two, if not seventeen different ways to resolve the problem and make your life much easier.

Sometimes the answer is really obvious, but because you are so deeply involved you "can't see the forest for the trees".  This is where reaching out to others, both technically adept and technically inept, can help.  It forces you to look at the big picture, the forest, and see whether or not there is a different path.

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