Friday, August 31, 2007


In another life I was the "Master of the Methodology".  OK, what that really meant was that I was the one that knew how to access/install the methodology that we were using and as a result all methodology questions were forwarded to me.  I was the expert, by default.

One of the interesting things that was embedded within the methodology, however, was the concept that the phases of the project and even the deliverables themselves all needed to be defined at the beginning of the project.  While you could use the "standard" project template the vast majority of project managers customized, to some degree, the phases and deliverables that the project was going to create.

While in some circles this would be akin to shooting yourself in the foot, the methodology we used not only made allowances for this, but actively encouraged the modification of the methodology to suit the needs of the business area, the development team and the maintenance area.  There were some documents that were produced that were of specific use to one group only, but there were also many documents that were useful to all parties. There were a few simple rules that were used in determining whether or not a document needed to be produced:

  • What documents are needed by the business area to document their vision?  While there are many different types of documents that could be produced, a short list of really meaningful documentation, created in conjunction with the business area, is what usually made it into the project proposal.

  • What documents are needed by the development team to create the vision shown in the business documents?  If it was not needed to help build the application it was not included in the list of deliverables.

  • What documents are needed to maintain the application?  After being on the maintenance side of the equation for many years, there is a limited subset of documents that are actually useful in maintaining and enhancing an application.

  • What documents are needed by the organization to maintain an appropriate level of oversight on the project?  Status reports, revised project plans, revised timelines, etc., are all required to maintain oversight on a project.

A clear understanding of the word "needing" is required by all individuals.  "Nice to have" is not the same as needing and there needs to be a commonality of understanding amongst all parties:  business, development and maintenance.

The larger the project, the more documentation that is going to be required due to the fact that there are more lines of communication that need to be fully developed and understood.  Conversely, the smaller the project, the fewer the lines of communication and the smaller the amount of documentation required.

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