Friday, August 31, 2007

Talking to your DBA

OK, so last week we talked about the "evils" of SQL Server and how they could be solved through better design and understanding of SQL Server.

One of the questions that I was asked was "how do I get this better understanding"?  Well, there are multiple methods:

  • Reading.  Read books on SQL Server and on effective database design.  Notice how I've separated the two.  Understanding how SQL Server works is just as important as the proper design of the database.

  • Education.  Take a course on database design.  (See if you can find someone who has taken the course before you, as there are some courses that are pure trash and you need to avoid those.

  • DBAs.   Talk to your DBA.  They probably know more than you about SQL Server and how it operates, so it is time to take advantage of their knowledge.

Well the last point, talking to your DBA, may seem obvious, too many people wait until they are in trouble before they talk to the DBA.  That puts a lot of added pressure on everyone and usually results in a "quick fix" as opposed to the best solution.  Talk to your DBA early on in the process, preferably before any code is written, but if that can't be accomplished as soon as possible thereafter.  If there are some fundamental changes that need to be made, you want them done early, not when the Director is breathing down your neck saying "Is it done yet?"


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